第6回からは、テーマを2030年には市場規模が80兆円を超えるともいわれ、すでにさまざまな分野で、飛躍的に利用が広がり、今後、大きく市場を変える可能性を持つ「AI / 人工知能」に変えて、引き続きイノベーションの最新動向を紹介していきます。 今回は、マッキンゼーが2017年6月に発表した「ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE THE NEXT DIGITAL FRONTIER?」というリポートで、AIにおける現時点での投資動向の概要がわかりやすく、解説されていますので、そちらから内容を抜粋して紹介します。
- 引用元PDF: ダウンロード(Makinsey Global Instituteのサイト)
Most of the investment in AI has consisted of internal spending—R&D and deployment by large, cash-rich digital native companies. What is the large corporate investment in AI focused on? Bigger companies, such as Apple, Baidu, and Google, are working on suites of technologies internally, but vary in the breadth and focus of their AI investment.
Amazon is working on robotics and speech recognition, Salesforce on virtual agents and machine learning. BMW, Tesla, and Toyota are among the manufacturers making sizable commitments in robotics and machine learning for use in driverless cars. Toyota, for example, set aside $1 billion to establish a new research institute devoted to AI for robotics and driverless vehicles.
Industrial giants such as ABB, Bosch, GE, and Siemens also are investing internally, often in machine learning and robotics, seeking to develop specific technologies related to their core businesses. IBM has pledged to invest 1.5 billion in AI research over the last 2½ years. This is in addition to $200 million it committed to a new in-house venture capital fund, Baidu Venture.
At the same time, big tech companies have been actively buying AI startups, not just to acquire technology or clients but to secure qualified talent. The pool of true experts in the field is small, and Alibaba, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and other tech giants have hired many of them.
Companies have adopted M&A as a way to sign up top talent, a practice known as “acqui-hiring,” for sums that typically work out to 10 million per person. The shortage of talent and cost of acquiring it are underlined by a recent report that companies are seeking to fill 10,000 AI-related jobs and have budgeted more than $650 million for salaries.
Most of the investment in AI has consisted of internal spending—R&D and deployment by large, cash-rich digital native companies. What is the large corporate investment in AI focused on? Bigger companies, such as Apple, Baidu, and Google, are working on suites of technologies internally, but vary in the breadth and focus of their AI investment.
Amazon is working on robotics and speech recognition, Salesforce on virtual agents and machine learning. BMW, Tesla, and Toyota are among the manufacturers making sizable commitments in robotics and machine learning for use in driverless cars. Toyota, for example, set aside $1 billion to establish a new research institute devoted to AI for robotics and driverless vehicles.
Industrial giants such as ABB, Bosch, GE, and Siemens also are investing internally, often in machine learning and robotics, seeking to develop specific technologies related to their core businesses. IBM has pledged to invest 1.5 billion in AI research over the last 2½ years.
At the same time, big tech companies have been actively buying AI startups, not just to acquire technology or clients but to secure qualified talent. The pool of true experts in the field is small, and Alibaba, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and other tech giants have hired many of them.
Companies have adopted M&A as a way to sign up top talent, a practice known as “acqui-hiring,” for sums that typically work out to 10 million per person. The shortage of talent and cost of acquiring it are underlined by a recent report that companies are seeking to fill 10,000 AI-related jobs and have budgeted more than $650 million for salaries.
vary in ~: ~の点で違う
vary in the breadthで、幅が異なる。他にvary in the sizeで、大きさが異なるなどもvary inとセットで使われることが多いです。
make sizable commitments: かなり大きなコミットをする
sizableはかなり大きな。make commitmentは誓約するとか約束するという意味合いで、かなりの責任をともなった約束をするというニュアンスがあります。コミット、コミットメントは、最近では、いい訳がないからか日本語としても使われることを見る機会が増えてきています。
set aside: 取っておく、蓄えておく
pledge to: 誓う、誓約する
pledge to は、前述のmake commitment の類義語になりますので、あわせて覚えておきましょう。
underline: ~に下線を引く、~を強調する
今回は、「ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE THE NEXT DIGITAL FRONTIER?」のレポート内のAIに関する巨大企業が先行して行っている数千億円規模の投資例をまとめている部分を紹介しましたが、このレポート自体は合計80ページにわたる内容で、今後の市場の見通しにくわえて、より具体的な事例も含めて、AIが世の中でこれからどのように活用されていくかまで、詳細にまとめてありますので、ぜひ、一読をおススメします。
- 引用元PDF: ダウンロード(Makinsey Global Instituteのサイト)